- Sep 24 2023
- Expired!
- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Karl Oskar House (Nya Duvemåla) located at 29061 Glader Blvd south of Lindstrom will be open every Sunday from 1 to 4 pm beginning May 21st and running through September. There may be Nordic Folk Music on the 2nd and 4th Sundays beginning with a Nordic Music Jam under the Astrakhan Tree on Sunday, June 4th.
The Karl Oskar House is located at:
29061 Glader Boulevard
Lindstrom, MN 55045
This home was spotted by Vilhelm Moberg during his 1948 visit to the area and identified as Karl Oskar and Kristina’s third home in Minnesota in the Emigrants book series.
Come and learn the history of early settlers to the Chisago Lakes area and enjoy the music and other upcoming events.
Contact to schedule your visit or plan a group tour.