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Green Lake

Green Lake is the largest lake in the Chisago Lakes area, with over 1,800 acres, and at least 32 species of fish! With plenty of shoreline, inlets and islands to explore, you’re in for a great fishing experience, no matter the season.


In Chisago City from Highway 8, travel South on County Road 24 (Old Towne Road), follow Lofton Avenue in the round-about for 1 mile to the Southeast shore.

Lake Stats

Area: 1809.5 acres

Littoral Area: 1228 acres

Shore Length: 16.52 miles

Maximum Depth: 32 feet

View Depth Marine Chart

Fish Species

Black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, bullheads, channel catfish, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, smallmouth bass, sunfish, walleye, white crappie, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bowfin (dogfish), common carp, white sucker, banded killifish, bluntnose minnow, brook silverside, brook stickleback, central mudminnow, golden shiner, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, minnows, spotfin shiner, spottail shiner, tadpole madtom.


  • 2 ramps (type=concrete slab)
  • 1 parking lot (type=asphalt)
  • 5 vehicle parking spaces
  • 26 vehicle/trailer parking spaces
  • no accessible parking spaces
  • 2 docks
  • 2 restrooms

This lake is sometimes also referred to as "Big Green Lake" because it is connected to Little Green Lake by a channel. Green Lake was named from the fact its waters are green from the high algae content.

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